FAQs for DGPGPRN200/BLK 2-in-1 Propane Gas Pizza Oven & Grill

Q: Can I use the same propane tank that my grill uses?

A: Yes. We provide the connection and hose that will work with a standard CSA-approved tank.

Q: What is the maximum temperature for grilling pizza?

A: When cooking with the pizza stone, ensure that you do not exceed 450 degrees inside the oven

Q: Can I use this indoors?

A: We do not recommend indoor use. Always use in a well-ventilated area.

Q: My pizza cooked way too fast and was burnt!

A: Remember, pizza ovens cook at much higher temperatures than normal ovens. Your pizza will be fully cooked in literal minutes, sometimes less! Cooking in temperatures of at least 750 degrees, cook one side of your pizza for 90 seconds and rotate to the other side to cook for another 90 seconds. 

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